
Entries by Craig Cavallo (675)


Donde Dinner? - 1136 Broadway 

Donde Dinner? aims to make your next dining experience an adventure. So every Friday we pick a restaurant and post its address for you. The catch is, that's all the information you get. No name, no type of cuisine, and no Googling. Before we post this week's address, here's last week's:

424 Amsterdam Ave = Cafe con Leche

In typical Donde Dinner? fashion, price, quality, and accessibility have all been taken into account. You won't be waiting at the bar for two hours with $16 cocktails and you never have to worry about a dress code. Just hop on the train, or your feet, or your bike, and head to:

1136 Broadway (map)


Anchovies are the Little Fish that Could

I dove into the history of anchovies and learned of the cool, salty waters they thrive in, the bounty of nutrients and health benefits in every fillet, and the timeless practice of fishing and salt curing. Anchovies are remarkably sustainable, have the lowest mercury count of any edible fish (being small helps), and have been preserved and cured for centuries. Anchovy's versatility in the kitchen is one of the reasons we love the fish. But there's so much more, and the tiny, glistening silver bullets pack a mighty big punch. If you share my love for anchovies, or just want to read about them, head on over to Serious Eats to read my latest article.


Donde Dinner? - 424 Amsterdam Ave

Donde Dinner? aims to make your next dining experience an adventure. So every Friday we pick a restaurant and post its address for you. The catch is, that's all the information you get. No name, no type of cuisine, and no Googling. Before we post this week's address, here's last week's:

25 Clinton Street = Ivan Ramen

In typical Donde Dinner? fashion, price, quality, and accessibility have all been taken into account. You won't be waiting at the bar for two hours with $16 cocktails and you never have to worry about a dress code. Just hop on the train, or your feet, or your bike, and head to:

424 Amsterdam Ave (map)


Grocery Shopping at Super Food Plaza in Aruba

Aruba is one of six islands in the Dutch Caribbean. The island, which is roughly three times the size of San Francisco, lies about 25 miles north of Venezuela. The license plates boast "One Happy Island" and, given the immaculate weather, white sand, flowing rum, and modest population of 110,000, it comes as no surprise.

We escaped to Oranjestad, Aruba's capital and largest city, for a few days earlier this month. When we got there, after a quick dip in the Caribbean, the first thing we did was head over to Super Food Plaza, the city's biggest grocery store and the greenest shopping center in the Caribbean.

Click to read more ...


Donde Dinner? - 25 Clinton Street

Donde Dinner? aims to make your next dining experience an adventure. So every Friday we pick a restaurant and post its address for you. The catch is, that's all the information you get. No name, no type of cuisine, and no Googling. Before we post this week's address, here's last week's:

227 West 28th Street = Banana Leaf

In typical Donde Dinner? fashion, price, quality, and accessibility have all been taken into account. You won't be waiting at the bar for two hours with $16 cocktails and you never have to worry about a dress code. Just hop on the train, or your feet, or your bike, and head to:

25 Clinton Street (map)


Craig Reviews Dieci for Serious Eats

Since the tail end of 2013, and through great fortune, Digest NY Editor Craig Cavallo (me) has been writing weekly restaurant reviews for Serious Eats. I wanted to start posting a blurb about the featured restaurant on Digest NY with a link to the review. So here goes.

Very exciting things are happening a few steps down off East 10th Street. They're of the sort that you just need to experience on your own. Dieci is one-of-a-kind: simultaneously refreshing and nostalgic. At eight years old, the restaurant runs like a well-oiled machine and you'd be wise to take up any of the room's couple dozen seats. Check out my review over at Serious Eats.


Donde Dinner? - 227 West 28th Street

Donde Dinner? aims to make your next dining experience an adventure. So every Friday we pick a restaurant and post its address for you. The catch is, that's all the information you get. No name, no type of cuisine, and no Googling. Before we post this week's address, here's last week's:

176 Atlantic Avenue = Yemen Cafe

In typical Donde Dinner? fashion, price, quality, and accessibility have all been taken into account. You won't be waiting at the bar for two hours with $16 cocktails and you never have to worry about a dress code. Just hop on the train, or your feet, or your bike, and head to:

227 West 28th Street (map)


Craig Reviews Petite Crevette for Serious Eats

Since the tail end of 2013, and through great fortune, Digest NY Editor Craig Cavallo (me) has been writing weekly restaurant reviews for Serious Eats. I wanted to start posting a blurb about the featured restaurant on Digest NY with a link to the review. So here goes.

If anyone ever needs company for dinner at Petite Crevette, let me know. I'd go any night of the week and I'll even bring the wine. Neil Ganic's Carroll Gardens surfshack is a pearl. Locals of all ages fill the interior, itself decked out in nautical kitsch and remnants of the former flower shop the restaurant annexed in 2008. The rooms are small and constrained. The food is anything but. Check out my review over at Serious Eats.