
Entries by Craig Cavallo (675)


Donde Dinner? - 176 Atlantic Avenue

Donde Dinner? aims to make your next dining experience an adventure. So every Friday we pick a restaurant and post its address for you. The catch is, that's all the information you get. No name, no type of cuisine, and no Googling. Before we post this week's address, here's last week's:

15 East 7th Street = McSorley's

In typical Donde Dinner? fashion, price, quality, and accessibility have all been taken into account. You won't be waiting at the bar for two hours with $16 cocktails and you never have to worry about a dress code. Just hop on the train, or your feet, or your bike, and head to:

176 Atlantic Avenue (map)


Craig Reviews Rouge et Blanc for Serious Eats

Since the tail end of 2013, and through great fortune, Digest NY Editor Craig Cavallo (me) has been writing weekly restaurant reviews for Serious Eats. I wanted to start posting a blurb about the featured restaurant on Digest NY with a link to the review. So here goes.

Chefs Macks Collins and Bryan Kidwell are from the south. So you'll find some Low Country influences sprinkled throughout their menu of otherwise heavy-handed French and Vietnamese food. The menu at four-year-old Soho spot Rouge et Blanc is concise. Go with a few friends so you can taste your way through. But don't miss the beef cheeks. That would be a bad idea. Check out my review over at Serious Eats.


Donde Dinner? - 15 East 7th Street

Donde Dinner? aims to make your next dining experience an adventure. So every Friday we pick a restaurant and post its address for you. The catch is, that's all the information you get. No name, no type of cuisine, and no Googling. Before we post this week's address, here's last week's:

37-65 74th Street = Phayul

In typical Donde Dinner? fashion, price, quality, and accessibility have all been taken into account. You won't be waiting at the bar for two hours with $16 cocktails and you never have to worry about a dress code. Just hop on the train, or your feet, or your bike, and head to:

15 East 7th Street (map)


Craig Reviews Box Kite for Serious Eats

Since the tail end of 2013, and through great fortune, Digest NY Editor Craig Cavallo (me) has been writing weekly restaurant reviews for Serious Eats. I wanted to start posting a blurb about the featured restaurant on Digest NY with a link to the review. So here goes.

Cora Lampert opened Box Kite on New Year's. For three weeks the tiny storefront existed solely as a coffee shop, serving Madcap and Ritual roasts from 7am to midnight. Lampert was looking to serve food to patrons in for evening espresso and when Dave Gulino heard the news he showed up to cook a few plates and was brought on build a menu. Gulino called on the help of friend Justin Slojkowski, whom he met working at Roberta's. Both chefs cooked at Acme too, and the demand for creatively worked, high quality, local, seasonally-driven food that defines those restaurants now soars at Box Kite. Check out my review this week over at Serious Eats.

Box Kite | 212-574-8201 | 115 Saint Marks Place | www | map


Donde Dinner? - 37-65 74th Street

Donde Dinner? aims to make your next dining experience an adventure. So every Friday we pick a restaurant and post its address for you. The catch is, that's all the information you get. No name, no type of cuisine, and no Googling. Before we post this week's address, here's last week's:

209 Pinehurst Ave = Rusty Mackerel

In typical Donde Dinner? fashion, price, quality, and accessibility have all been taken into account. You won't be waiting at the bar for two hours with $16 cocktails and you never have to worry about a dress code. Just hop on the train, or your feet, or your bike, and head to:

37-65 74th Street (map)


Craig Reviews The Grocery for Serious Eats

Since the tail end of 2013, and through great fortune, Digest NY Editor Craig Cavallo (me) has been writing weekly restaurant reviews for Serious Eats. I wanted to start posting a blurb about the featured restaurant on Digest NY with a link to the review. So here goes.

The first time I ever stepped foot in The Grocery was sometime back in the early aughts. I was new to the city and brought my resume and then fresh desire to work in New York City restaurants. I've been riding my bike past the small Smith Street storefront for years and made it a point to finally eat there. Check out my review over at Serious Eats.

The Grocery | 718-596-3335 | 288 Smith Street | www | map


Smoked Sardines at French Louie

The back of a small church reflects the glow of twilight. You can see it through the backyard if you sit at any of the tables near the back of French Louie, the new restaurant on Atlantic from the Buttermilk Channel team. There aren't any chairs outside yet, but there will be as the weather warms. You'll want to eat there when that happens. Though it'd be a good idea to go now too, and make sure to order the Smoked Sardines ($9).

Doug Crowell and Ryan Angulo call on Gabe the Fish Babe for their fish. That includes the meaty sardines that are caught in Point Judith and shipped to Atlantic Avenue, where they get cleaned, gutted, scaled, and smoked over Hickory for three minutes. A generous pad of dulse butter and dense, chewy rye bread from Bien Cuit complete the dish.

Dulse is a type of seaweed that grows in the cooler waters along the northern Atlantic and Pacific coasts. It's purple, so along with its visual appeal is the whisper of salinity it lends the fresh butter. The dish is served cold, but if you're patient enough to let that butter whimper and soften to room temperature, and enjoy it with a vibrant glass of Edelzwicker from Bloomer Creek, the experience will be one you don't forget anytime soon.


Donde Dinner? - 209 Pinehurst Avenue

Donde Dinner? aims to make your next dining experience an adventure. So every Friday we pick a restaurant and post its address for you. The catch is, that's all the information you get. No name, no type of cuisine, and no Googling. Before we post this week's address, here's last week's:

401 West 24th Street = El Quinto Pino

In typical Donde Dinner? fashion, price, quality, and accessibility have all been taken into account. You won't be waiting at the bar for two hours with $16 cocktails and you never have to worry about a dress code. Just hop on the train, or your feet, or your bike, and head to:

209 Pinehurst Avenue (map)