815 Issues of Gourmet Magazine, 2 Guys, 1 Book

Wanna know what grandma ate in 1947? Or maybe you're curious to know what Uncle Lou was eating the night before Green Bay spanked Kansas City in the first Super Bowl back in 1967. Well, thanks to two guys named Noah Fecks and Paul Wagtouicz, their collection of every Gourmet magazine ever published, and their website The Way We Ate, these answers and hundreds of others you can think of will slowly be revealed... over the next 15 and a half years.
The Way We Ate website explains the mission behind the project Fecks and Wagtouicz launched January 1st, 2011 as "Looking back on a century of great cooking. Year by year. Month by month. One recipe at a time..." Their hard work and creativity paid off. The blog just landed a deal to be published in book form next fall by Touchstone Publishing.
Says Fecks in the above video, "I never really thought how much my life would change when I baked my own bread, but it's not about having a Rolls Royce. It's about, you know how to bake bread and have that with your friends. That's incredible. Rolls Royce is nice. You can drive around with a loaf of bread in it, but..."

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