Eat the Week; Oct 22nd - 26th

Welcome back to Eat the Week, a compiled list of our posts from the week. This week was a little different for us in that we landed in the Philippines late Wednesday night. We launched "Asia Feed" to document everything we eat while we're here and it'll be our homepage until we get back to the city. We'll be in Vietnam from the 30th to the 5th. Stay tuned! Here's what happened this week in your neck of the woods:
Asia Feed: We introduce "Asia Feed" to document our journey to Manila and Saigon | We land in Manila | Breakfast at Mary Grace | Lunch at People's Palace | Traditional Filipino food for dinner at Fely J's | Breakfast at home
New York: L'Apicio opened on East 1st Street | Three restaurants that serve $10 pastas | Wells pays a visit to Midtown's "21" Club | Hometown to bring barbecue to Red Hook | Tien Ho's love for "funky" wines and our excitement for Montmartre's wine list | Donde Dinner? - 346 East 21st Street

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