Mission Accomplished

Bowien n' co. courtesy of the TimesDanny Bowien catches the Andy Ricker wave and is the next west coast import to bring Asian cuisine to New Yorkers. He landed at 154 Orchard Street (@ Rivington) and opened a branch of his wildly popular, San Francisco based Mission Chinese Food to the public last night. Lunch service will start tomorrow at 1130 and the restaurant will be open six days a week, they're closed Wednesdays.
Tables will likely be tough to snag in the tiny space, but reservations can be made for the 12 seats available at the bar. Nothing on the menu is more than $13 and beers are $5. On top of the cheap prices, Bowien is donating 75 cents from every dish Mission sells to the Food Bank for New York City. Once they get their liquor license, another 75 cents from every cocktail goes to the Food Bank as well.
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