Lucky Peach Issue Six Hits Shelves Today

If you subscribe to Lucky Peach, or frequent any of the Momofuku restaurants, you probably already got your hands on Issue #6: "Before and After the Apocolypse." If you don't, the magazine is available in stores today. It's broken down into two sections: pre and post-apocolypse. Editor Peter Meehan writes the topic came about after he and co-editor David Chang had a discussion about Collapse, "a feature-length interview with Michael C. Ruppert, a reporter, who chronicles how our current economic and every systems will systematically fail, and how our civilization will collapse soon after." The issue calls on Michael Pollan, Ted Nugent, and Anthony Bourdain to shed some light on the current state of the food world. There's also talk of zombies and plagues, a taste test of canned tomato sauce with Mark Ladner, and some bomb shelter essentials. Get your copy here.

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