
Entries in Dekalb Market (4)


Dekalb Market Needs to Move 

When the Dekalb Market opened last year it did so under the pretense that it would operate at its current location for at least five years.  That's not the case.  Real estate development plans moved faster than expected and construction at 138 Willoughby Street is likely to start as early as October.

The market plans to stay in the neighborhood and a post on their site has this to say:

"We can’t share any more juicy details just yet, but you can look forward to seeing our full lineup of events coming up and what you can look forward to in the fall.  We hope to receive full support from our community as we continue Dekalb Market in its new incarnation!"

A letter was sent out by the Dekalb Market Team, who sees the relocating as an opportunity, "By positioning ourselves as the first shopping center in history to move and reopen in the space of a few weeks we will be able to have a new “re-opening” with both the press and operations."

Inquiries are directed to


Everybody's Working for the Weekend

This past weekend marked the start of Brooklyn's favorite outdoor markets.  The Brooklyn Flea is now open on Saturdays from 10am - 5pm in Fort Greene, at 176 Lafayette Street, on Sundays it moves to the East River Waterfront in Williamsburg btwn North 6th and North 7th.  Smorgasburg, Brooklyn Flea's food market, will be open from 11am to 6pm on Saturdays, also in Williamsburg.  Here's a look at the smorgasburgoodies.

The Dekalb Market, at 138 Willoughby Street, also kicked things off this past weekend with food, music, art, Easter eggs, and $1 mimosas.  Easter eggs and $1 mimosas aside, Dekalb Market will be open every weekend from 8am - 6pm.  Take a gander.


Dekalb Market Springs to Life this Weekend

Dekalb Market will kick off its second year this weekend.  April 7th is the opening date for the revamped market that will include roller derbies, lobster boils, and Sunday dance parties this year.  Sunday will feature easter eggs and $1 mimosa's.

The market also acquired a full liquor license back in February.  This makes for a pretty exciting season for outdoor shoppers, roller skaters, dancers, boozers, and eaters.



Brooklyn Beer Garden Via Dekalb Market

As spring gets closer, event producers Jennifer Louise Lyons and Joann Kim-Nunez are excited about what the beer garden will do for the Dekalb Market.

Oh, and you can shop there too.