East to West to North to East

Our trip to California was far and away one of the greatest we've taken. After spending our first weekend in Santa Barbara, and then a night in Venice, we worked our way north up Highway 1, camping along the way and doing so completey void of an agenda. The only things we made sure to do were keep the windows down and have camp setup by nightfall. It's been four nights now since we sat in the woods beside a crackling, orange fire, but the first thing to hit our senses while unpacking this morning was a waft of campfire smoke.
It'll take some adjusting getting back to New York City's grind, but as we do, we'll share some pictures and stories. Some of which have to do with food, like tacos in Santa Barbara and the vibrant restaurant scene in San Francisco's Mission. But some are about the people we met along the way. Though, somehow, those too have to deal with food. So stay tuned, we have a lot to share.