Have a Long Night with Hearth and Some German Wine

Paul Grieco is responsible for the wine program at Hearth and Terroir and he just won the James Beard Award Monday for Outstanding Wine Professional. You can drink with him and other wine enthusiasts tomorrow night at Hearth starting at 11pm as Hearth presents Lange Nacht des deustschen Weins, aka A Long Night of German Wines. Chef Marco Canora is roasting two sucking pigs for the ocassion and the wine is coming courtesy of Stuart Pigott. Stuart is a longtime Hearth buddy and wine expert and he is having 10 cases of wine sent over from his and his friend Roy Metzdorf's cellars.
There is a $50 admission fee with every penny of that going to the Hope Charity in South Africa, which raises money to prevent HIV and AIDS.
Hearth is at 403 East 12th Street (1st Ave), get your ticket here.