Lucali's Mark Iacono Lets Things Roll Off His Back

Lucali is the epitamy of a neighborhood joint. It's on Henry street in Carroll Gardens. It's small, casual, delicious. From 6pm - 10pm all they do is make pizza and calzones. If they run out of ingredients, they run out of ingredients. Despite the lines that have been out the door since they opened in 2006, Lucali prefers to be closed on Tuesdays.
Chef and owner Mark Iacono was the talk of the town last spring. But not for serving the likes of Jay-Z and Beyonce on a somewhat regular basis, not for his incredible pizza, but because of what he refers to as "an altercation." He was involved in a knife fight in April of last year, and although we know he's back to making pizzas, there's still a lot of grey area surrounding the issue.
Catch up with the man behind the pizza in this great interview Grubstreet did with Mark last Friday.