Attack of the Batali Pang

Num Pang is a Cambodian sandwich shop with Greenwich Village (21 E 12th) and Midtown (140 E 41st) locations. Today marks the start of the shops "Guest Chefs Give Back" campaign that sets to raise money for the New York City Food Bank and the Cambodian Children's Fund.
Mario Batali is the first featured chef and his "Batali Pang", available starting today, will run for the next month, through March 15th. The sandwich is one of cotechino, which is a slow cooked Italian sausage, balsamic braised onions, Cacio di Roma cheese, and the rest of the fixens you'd find on a sandwich under the Banh Mi blanket; pickled carrots, cucumber, and cilantro. It can be yours for $9.75 - 60% of that cost will head to above mentioned charities.
If the the cotechino is anything like the Prosecco braised version Batali's Greenwich Village pizza spot Otto does for New Year's, I'm there. If it's any different, I'm there.