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Wing Week: Part IV

If you're a Buffalo Bills fan, we're sorry, but at least you have McFadden's Saloon. McFadden's is a Bills bar, and every gameday during football season they run a $20 special that includes unlimited wings and beer. Needless to say, there's little room to wiggle. We had our first wings in great excess from McFadden's during the Bills vs. Packers game in 2006 (Bills won 24-10). The wings were good, and McFadden's has been on our radar ever since. On a recent rainy afternoon, with actual elbow room to eat them, we found them all the more enjoyable.

There are always police fences outside McFadden's. And those sturdy cement planters are there as a protective measure for the Samoa Embassy, which happens to be right nextdoor.

An order of wings ($9) from McFadden's looks like just about every plate of wings you get in Buffalo (we had some UB alums verify this for us). McFadden's doesn't have the mild, medium, hot option, so the wings could be a bit spicier, but they are perfectly crisp and juicy. The blue cheese is of the storebought variety, but the humble, no frills plate of food is enough to brighten up any rainy day.

McFadden's Saloon | 800 Second Avenue | 212-986-1515 | www

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  • Response
    Wow this is great as who can say no to unlimited wings and beer. In my opinion the beer and the wings are the perfect combination to make you eating during the game. I am really glad to read about this promotional offer by McFadden’s Saloon.
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