Triple Play: Coverage of Three Projects Opening in Park Slope

The two blocks of 5th Avenue between 1st and Carroll Streets in Park Slope are going to be quite the culinary nexus. Construction is well underway on three different projects that will each have their own unique influence on Park Slope's palate. Digest NY is introducing Triple Play to provide you, kind reader, with updates as work progresses on Pork Slope, Calexico, and Terroir.
It was revealed yesterday that Pork Slope, the new project from the team behind Talde, picked August 18th as its opening date. The highly anticipated bar/road house/dive has cited the Patrick Swayze hit Road House as a main source of inspiration. There will be pitchers of beer, a pool table, plenty of brown booze from the great state of Kentucky, and an affordable menu put together by Dale Talde. The bar is shooting for that party-in-the-front-business-in-the-rear kind of honky tonk joint that you can hang out in all day eating and drinking and not have to make a trip to the ATM when the check comes. Jean jackets and mullets welcome.
August 18th was also Swayze's birthday.
A missing chunk of pig snout in the window reveals an old neon Budweiser sign and a chandelier that looks like it was stolen from 1978.
For now, custom paper with the Calexico logo, a guy sitting backwards on a bull, covers the windows across the street from Pork Slope.
The restaurant is opening in what used to be Blue Ribbon Sushi, whose moniker is still burnt into the facade. Sandwiched by Blue Ribbon and Bonnie's Grill (go for the Buffalo Wings and Labatt), this location will be the third brick and mortar Calexico to open from the Vendley brothers. The others are in Red Hook and Greenpoint. Aside from the Brooklyn restos, Calexico has two food trucks in Manhattan. One parked at Wooster and Prince, the other at 25th and Broadway. The Park Slope location will open by the end of the year.
This is the scene on the corner of Carroll and 5th. Terroir will be coming to Park Slope and bringing its back-vintages of riesling's and chef Marco Canora's food with it.
Here's a look inside the future Terroir space. Even gutted it looks cleaner than its previous tenant. Plans are to open sometime early fall.
Stay tuned as Triple Play continues to bring you news of the developments on 5th Ave between 1st and Garfield.
Pork Slope | 247 5th Avenue
Calexico | 278 5th Avenue
Terroir | 284 5th Ave

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